Friday, October 29, 2010

Oct 28, 2010 - Meiss Lake, Carson Pass

10 Geezers hiked to Meiss Lake near Carson Pass on Route 88. This, after the many reasons not to make the hike came up earlier in the week due to the possibilities of snow, rain and freezing temps. We had to decide whether to hike the ridge or Meiss Valley etc. The weather was great for the hike, in the 30-40's, but the wind was blowing in gusts that seemed to be around 25-30 MPH. All were dressed for the tempature and wind - gloves, hats and layered clothing. There was a lot of snow and ice on the trail and surrounding areas.

The first 1.25 miles of the trail were up hill to a small lake at the summit above Meiss Valley. The trail was generally wet and muddy. The next 0.5 mile was down hill to the valley floor. Lunch was at the Meiss family compound- home, barn and corral. After lunch the group headed for Meiss Lake - about another 2 miles to the north between the Pacific Crest Trail and the Tahoe Rim Trail. No trail was found from either of these two trails to the lake so the hikers went cross country about a half mile to the lake. Several Bear foot prints were seen in the snow patches. The return hike to the family compound was all cross country on the eastside of the meadow. Total distance for the hike was 9.5 miles.

On the return hike the group met "Dan from Evanston Illinois" on the side of the trail, about 0.25 mile from the parking lot/trailhead. Dan was suffering from hypothermia/frostbite and didn't seem fully coherent. He was underdressed (sneakers for shoes, lightweight pants and jacket, a blanket over his shoulders and no gloves or hat) and had a very heavy backpack. He had been in the area for 4 days, through rain and snow storms, had not eaten for 2 days and had been eating snow for drinking water. The group gave him some food and water, gave him some hiking sticks, carried his backpack and took him to the trailhead. 911 was called and several emergency vehicles and personnel showed up and took over caring for Dan. Dan was put into an ambulance and taken to a hospital.

1 comment:

  1. It was windy and long but I'm glad we were there for our " God appointment". Dan said to me that he had seen some people on the trail but none would help.
    Next time we'll do the ridge and end up at Shower's Lake.
