Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 24, 2011 - Hidden Falls in Auburn

This week the Geezers made a second attempt (following bad weather on the 17th) to hike Hidden Falls in Auburn. This hike was chosen because the group on the Olmstead Loop hike 2 weeks ago couldn't make a decision on where to go. A couple of suggestions were proposed at Fosters Freeze in Auburn but there was no agreement on which one to hike (more attention was placed on the ice cream than making a decision)- so John made a Solomon decision to hike Hidden Falls since no two people could agree on a different location. This was an easy hike, probably about 5-6 miles and one that the Geezers do every year. We hiked from the parking lot to the falls, had lunch over looking Coon Creek (and seeing if a Geezer can throw a rock in the creek - or even better, across the creek) and then returned, hiking the perimeter trails. We just managed to beat the incoming heavy rains and other than Dominic finding (Friday morning) a large tick attached firmly in his side, all was well with the group.

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