Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 10, 2011 - Lake Natama & Folsom Bike Trails

This week, twelve Geezers started out from the Lake Natoma Aquatic Center. Sherm planned our route around the south sie of Lake Natoma, then up through some new bike trails before stopping for an early lunch outside Rayleys in Folsom. Our return trip took us up and over the new dam road and back along the north side of Lake Natomas. Well, that was the plan, but we lost a few riders on the return when some (without permission) decided to take the south side of the lake while others took the north side. This wasn't the first time a few of us couldn't figure out where the main pack was! John Hebner, where were you when we needed you? Sherm did guarantee it would be less than 50 miles and for once he was right, it was just 21. It wasn't a long ride (in miles) but it was a great workout due to the many long uphill grades. The fellowship was great as usual. What riders, and what a team. Tour de France next up!

A Gaggle of Geezer Ducks welcome us.

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