Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan 12, 2012 - Foresthill Divide Trail

Twelve Geezers (L-1, L-2, Larry, Rod, Sherm, Beuford, Rich, Vello, Merrill, JD, Wayne, and Glenn) hiked 10.5 miles today along the Foresthill Divide Trail from Driver's Flat Road to the Clementine Lake access. That is between the North and Middle Forks of the American River. We followed the south side of the road in the morning, to catch the sun, and warm up. By noon it was in the 60's, and the shade on the north side of the road was a welcome relief. It was a beautiful January day, in spite of the need for some rain. Note, one of my photos showed some Indian Paint Brush already in bloom. It has indeed been a crazy winter. A great day of hiking for the Geezers.

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