Monday, April 30, 2012

April 26, 2012 - Bridgeport Trails

This week, eleven Geezers hiked the two trails at Bridgeport (on the South Yuba River). The area is west of Grass Valley and north of Lake Wildwood. The Buttermilk trail is 2.5 mile (total distance) out and back on the north side of the South Yuba River, east of the (now closed) covered bridge. The Point Defiance Trail is a 3.5 mile loop trail west of the covered bridge, and skirts the South Yuba River and Englebright Lake. Both hikes started and ended at the Bridgeport State Park- which was also this weeks very short lunch stop. The senior Geezers do tend to look forward to their lunch times, usually (if Roland is there) scheduled for noon, and they like to take their time eating. Occasionally, if nobody is looking, they sneak in a quick nap, but not this week! The younger Geezers wanted to be on the trail the moment they ate their last morsel of dried bread and sipped their last juice. No rest for the wicked! This hike is usually noted for its wild flowers and scenic beauty but due to the late rains and cold spell, most flowers are late in blooming. The Buttermilk trail was rated as easy and the Point Defiance trail was rated as moderately easy.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 19, 2012 - Bike Ride to Old Town Sacramento

Thirteen Geezers participated in the "Lunch At Joe's Crab Shack Bike Ride". The 13 were: Clark, Cliff (a friend of Clark), Larry, Glenn, Merrill, Roland, Rod, Vello, Rich, Beuford, Sherm, Loren, and John. Dick Gray bailed out at the last minute due to non Geezer work pressures. We started our ride at Dick & Karen's home in Carmichael and on a warm sunny day, we cycled the 16 miles to our lunch spot. John had called ahead to make reservations we were able to bring our bikes on to the restaurant deck, (two years ago Sherm had his bike stolen in front of the Crab Shack and last year they opened the side gate for us). The return journey was 14 miles but as we were on full stomach's it felt much longer. The total days ride was a comfortable 30 miles. Rich cycled an additional 50 miles or more as he cycled from his home on Sierra College and cycled back. This was a much needed tune up ride in preparation for our San Francisco ride in two weeks. This weeks blog comes from a new blogger format that I'm unfamiliar with so bear with me as I work out the kinks. This weeks photos was a test run using Clark and Roland's iPhones.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012 - Fairy Falls

This week just nine Geezers (Loren, Merrill, Wayne, Clark, Beuford, Vello, Larry, Bill and Roland), met at the Safeway parking on Sierra College in preparation for our drive to Fairy Falls. Before we departed, we learned that one of our fearless leaders, John Hebner was absent and sitting in the Kaiser emergency room with his wife Janel. With caps removed, these nine men bowed their heads and brought Janel before the Lord. As we started blogging in August, 2010, this would be a good time to remind all our readers that the Geezer Boyz are a group of Christian men from Sunrise Community Church in Fair Oaks, California. Although we have many individual differences, one fact binds us together, we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and as such, you will find many of these men working diligently around the church on a regular weekly basis in a variety of ministries. At the time of writing this blog, Janel is home and John will be monitoring her condition daily..

It was great to have Bill with us this week and Clark returned for his second week. Fairy Falls is located on the east side of Beal Air Force Base (Marysville area) and the hike was just under six miles in length. This was a very easy hike and correctly rated by John as "fairly easy". We were able to take in some wonderful scenery as we had time "to smell the roses" if you know what I mean! Although the wild flowers are late this year, everything else appeared to be very green. If you're not familiar with Fairy Falls, you get there by taking country roads north of Lincoln to the Camp Far West reservoir, around the reservoir, then on a dirt (but well graded) road a few miles to the trail head. I'm pleased to inform all the Geezers that Larry really does take good photos and many have been included in this weeks blog.