Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 19, 2012 - Bike Ride to Old Town Sacramento

Thirteen Geezers participated in the "Lunch At Joe's Crab Shack Bike Ride". The 13 were: Clark, Cliff (a friend of Clark), Larry, Glenn, Merrill, Roland, Rod, Vello, Rich, Beuford, Sherm, Loren, and John. Dick Gray bailed out at the last minute due to non Geezer work pressures. We started our ride at Dick & Karen's home in Carmichael and on a warm sunny day, we cycled the 16 miles to our lunch spot. John had called ahead to make reservations we were able to bring our bikes on to the restaurant deck, (two years ago Sherm had his bike stolen in front of the Crab Shack and last year they opened the side gate for us). The return journey was 14 miles but as we were on full stomach's it felt much longer. The total days ride was a comfortable 30 miles. Rich cycled an additional 50 miles or more as he cycled from his home on Sierra College and cycled back. This was a much needed tune up ride in preparation for our San Francisco ride in two weeks. This weeks blog comes from a new blogger format that I'm unfamiliar with so bear with me as I work out the kinks. This weeks photos was a test run using Clark and Roland's iPhones.

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