Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 21, 2012 - Walking the Roseville Bike Trail.

This week, with many of our regular Geezers vacationing with families, John, Larry, Vello and Roland trekked the bike/walking trail from Sierra College to In-and-Out Burger on Taylor Rd. The round trip was six very pleasant, easy walking, miles. If ever you need to just "take a walk" this is an easy one but provides good exercise for those who need it.
With not much to report over the last couple of weeks or so, here's a report from Geezer Loren Gray on this family event in Oklahoma:

The S.E. Oklahoma Geezer Hikers went 2 miles on a wooded hike at Beaver's Bend State Park . That's all I could coax out of them. We had 13 people on the hike. The trail was some up and down but not more than 150ft elevation rise. It wasn't so hot as it was humid (for us). For people living here it was a comfortable day. We had NO blood loss, NO one lost on the trail. We all had a great time. There were 2 geezers, 3 jr Geezers, 7 geezeretts and 1 apprentice geezer. 13 hikers in all. Loren.

Thanks Loren.  Just a reminder, the next big bike ride is August 2nd from Squaw Valley to Homewood, returning via Safeway at Tahoe City, where we sit by the lake end enjoy buckets of  ice cream! You don't want to miss this annual event so mark your calendars now!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May 24, 2012 - Independence Trail, Nevada City

On May 24th, the Geezers hiked the Independence trail. It is accessible to wheel chairs and is a re purposed irrigation ditch and flume north of Nevada City, Ca.
Eight geezers made the five mile trek, (well, some of them made all 5 miles) but we all enjoyed ice cream at the Foster's Freeze in Auburn on the way home. It was another gorgeous California day in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There were seven geezers and one honorary geezer. They were: Glenn, Sherm, Larry, Vern Tac, Loren, Fred Wayne and Wayne's grandson, Paul (the honorary geezer).
We found a rotten log on the trail and had to break it apart so Fred's wheel chair could get through. We found a very large larvae or maggot inside and Sherm wanted to eat it but the rest of us strongly discouraged it. Fred's new wheel chair came in very handy when it was time for the traditional noon nap. Who would have thought a wheel chair could have a built in recliner?? And we thought cars were getting really advanced!! The Buck-eye trees are in bloom so there will be plenty of "conkas" this fall for fun and games. You need to ask Roland about this.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 8, 2012 - Shadow Lake, Crystal Basin Area

I'm back from my England trip and will try to get the blogs going again.This week just seven Geezers, Rod, Sherm, Merrill, Roland, Larry, Wayne and Bob, attempted the hike into Shadow Lake in the Crystal Basin area off Highway 50. Although estimated at 8+ miles, those who attempted to hike on after lunch actually hiked a distance of 9.2 miles with 1000' vertical gain. Wayne and Roland took an extended nap while the other brave souls marched on. It was a very pretty day but somewhat messy and difficult hike with lots of mosquito's and swamp land. Notice a trek through the muck by a fellow geezer. We dubbed it the Mountain Swamp Hike! It sure does beat working though.

Just to dispel the myth that England is always foggy, cold, wet and damp all the time, I've taken the liberty to add a couple or so photos taken two weeks ago. Hope you enjoy a glimpse of my homeland in the spring time.