On May 24th, the Geezers hiked the Independence trail. It is accessible to wheel chairs and is a re purposed irrigation ditch and flume north of Nevada City, Ca.
Eight geezers made the five mile trek, (well, some of them made all 5 miles) but we all enjoyed ice cream at the Foster's Freeze in Auburn on the way home. It was another gorgeous California day in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There were seven geezers and one honorary geezer. They were: Glenn, Sherm, Larry, Vern Tac, Loren, Fred Wayne and Wayne's grandson, Paul (the honorary geezer).
We found a rotten log on the trail and had to break it apart so Fred's wheel chair could get through. We found a very large larvae or maggot inside and Sherm wanted to eat it but the rest of us strongly discouraged it. Fred's new wheel chair came in very handy when it was time for the traditional noon nap. Who would have thought a wheel chair could have a built in recliner?? And we thought cars were getting really advanced!! The Buck-eye trees are in bloom so there will be plenty of "conkas" this fall for fun and games. You need to ask Roland about this.
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