Friday, May 13, 2011

May 12, 2011 - Annual San Francisco Bike Ride

This weeks outing was well anticipated by all the Geezers including a Geezer in waiting, Dick Gray. Today, was our annual bike ride in the San Francisco area and back to Larkspur for about 25 cycling miles.

The day consisted of us leaving the church parking lot at 6:30am in order to make the 9am ferry. We arrived at 8:30am, allowing us ample time to unload our bikes, park our cars, buy our tickets and board the ferry. We sailed past San Quentin prison, Angel and Alcatraz Islands to the ferry building in downtown SF. Our first leg took us along the Embarcadero to Fisherman's Wharf (Pier 39) for our usual coffee/tea and donuts "fix". After a short break it was onwards and upwards past the beautiful Marina area, over the Golden Gate Bridge, through Sausalito (where we stopped on the waterfront for lunch), past the houseboat area, and returned to the Larkspur Ferry parking lot. There were about 4 climbs of any consequence. We did have a concern about congestion on the Golden Gate bridge but it turned out to be a little less busy than in prior years.
We just about made our (beat the traffic) deadline of 3pm at the Larkspur parking lot and we arrived safely back at the church at 5:30pm.
The weather was fantastic, nobody fell off their bikes this year and Dick Gray passed the grade for Geezer biking. All in all, I can report a wonderful day for everyone. We love being Geezers on days like this but alas, it won't be long before we become "old" Geezers and needing some help! Look at the last photo, as this will be the new Geezer bike, battery powered to take us uphill.

The future Geezer bike with battery power for hill climbing!!! Who will be the first to get one?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I couldn't make. I'm glad cousin Dick Gray made the grade. He only has to come 2 more times to become a bonofide Geezer!! I Had grandkid duty but had a great hike with my 5 yr old grandson.

    Loren (L1)
