Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 14, 2011 - Nevada City Trails

There were nine Geezers on this week's new hike at Nevada City. Merrill, JD, Vello, Rich, Loren Gray, Dominic, Rob, Larry and Sherm. There was no official leader for this event but there was a rumor that Sherm took responsibility. Sherm had already put the trail on his topo map and we all know that Sherm's good with topo maps and never gets lost!
As the writer was doing duty at music camp, I can only report that the group enjoyed the history of this walk and we should plan to visit the foundry museum in Nevada city at some future date. There was some interesting stone work in the old buildings along the trail and the last picture with the blue roof is the beautiful antique building leased by Fosters in Auburn.

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