Friday, August 26, 2011

Aug 18, 2011 - Lake Winnemucca

On another hot Sacramento day, the Geezerboyz headed for the high Sierras for our annual trek to Lake Winnemucca. The group decided to do the long and short version of this hike. Ten of us John, Wayne, Rod, Larry, Loren G. (L-1), Sherm, Merrill, JD, Glenn and Bob Urke arrived at the Carson Pass (Hwy 88) summit to start the trek to Lake Winnemucca. Many others decided that this was a great place to be, and had the same idea we did. There were more people on this trail than we had ever experienced. After trekking up and down, across several snow fields and streams, through forests and meadows, and stopping frequently for photo opportunities, we arrived at Lake Winnemucca for lunch.
After lunch, 5 of the group decided more adventure was needed for the day, so they headed across the outfall creek, and up the hill to Round Top Lake, and then up to Round Top Peak. The saddle below round top peak was just over 10,000 feet elevation, and the Summit, conquered by Bob and Sherm was about 10,400 feet elevation. Views were spectacular. We could see Round Top Lake and Caples Lake below, and Lake Tahoe, and many snow covered mountains to the south near Yosemite in the distance.
Each group headed home independently, and it was agreed that the wildflowers were the best we had ever seen, and great day was had by all.
Thanks to Glenn for this narrative.

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