Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sept 29, 2011 - Caples Creek Trail

On Thursday, seven geezers (Loren- L-2, Dominic, Beuford, Rich, Merrill, Glenn and Wayne) joined the adventure planned by L-2 on the Caples Creek Trail. After following Silver Creek Road about 8 miles off of Hwy 50, we found the trailhead. Starting at elevation 5600, we followed the creek upstream for a mile to a junction of Silver Fork and Caples Creek. We followed Silver Creek for a couple of miles, then headed over a saddle which took us a bit longer than anticipated. After multiple false summits we reached a plateau at just over 6800 foot elevation. It was still almost a mile to the planned lunch location where we would decend and cross Caples Creek. The water was so icy that only 2 brave Geezers chose to dip their soles in the creek. After the usual break time of eating, power naps, and throwing rocks into river, we proceeded on the loop trail. Through several meadows, by some old Indian grinding rocks, and through forests of huge cedars and pines, past gigantic granite bolders, and along portions of Caples Creek, we trekked until we at last returned to the vehicles. The map indicated we had travelled just over 8 miles, but most of us were sure it was closer to 9 or 10. In all it was another beautiful day of great fellowship and enjoying God's magnificent creation.

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