Friday, September 23, 2011

Sept 22, 2011 - Loch Leven Lakes

This week, nine Geezer Boyz hiked to the Loch Leven Lakes area (south of I-80 at Big Bend). After leaving the paved roads behind, we got pretty shook up as we drove some six miles on unpaved, bone crushing, jaw rattling logging roads from Lake Valley to the trail head. At least it saved us a 1200 ft climb and we could spend more time at the swim hole. Once on the trail, we passed by Huysink and Salmon Lakes on route to our destination with lunch and swimming to look forward to. Lunch was great, but the brave souls who took a dip found the water much colder than anticipated and they were out before they were in, if you get my meaning! It was another enjoyable day for all of us. Thanks to Rod and Loren Gray for this weeks photos.

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