Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec 8, 2011 - Olmstead Loop in Cool

Following a short break for Bethlehem Village set up, nine geezers (Sherm, Loren L-2, Vern Tackett, Merrill, JD, Larry, Bob U., Wes, and Glenn) hiked the Olmstead Loop in Cool, and added an extra loop down to Salt Creek on the American River. This was the site of the once planned Auburn Dam. We dropped about 1000 feet to get to the river and of course had to climb back up too. The day was cool, the ground was dry (no rain for the last month) and the fields were still brown. According to the official GPS (the one showing the longest distance), we hiked a little over 11 miles. Based on the last few hikes, it would appear the older we get, the longer the hikes! We finished in time for a stop at Foster's Freeze for ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I had to miss, looks like a great hike. I hope to be there this week

    Loren (L1)
