Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012 - Bassi Falls

There were six Geezers on today's hike; Merrill, Wayne, Sherm, Clark, Larry & Loren. It was a spectacular day with just enough breeze to keep from getting hot. The mist off the roaring water fall also added to the cooling effect. This year there was NO mass blood letting as in last year's event. We did hike up the creek above the falls as far as the Manzanita would allow.

As can be seen in one photo, the traditional nap SOME geezers insist on was honored. Since this was a short hike we decided to drive up to Big Hill Lookout. We could see Ice house and Union Valley Reservoirs and a great 360 degree view. We could see Bassi Falls from the lookout. We also could see south to Round Top Mountain above Lake Winnemucca. We also observed the traditional ice cream stop in Placerville. It was a great day of hiking and we got to do some rock jumping as well!
Thanks Loren and Sherm for this weeks photos. This really is my last blog before leaving for England. I'll see ya'll in June.

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