Monday, January 7, 2013

January 3, 2013 - Aurburn Trails

Happy New Years Geezers and Families! Rod Robinson had the honor of coordinating Geezer events for January, so our final tally for the first hike of 2013 was ten Geezers and one Grandson. They were Beuford, Glenn, Wes, Sherm and Grandson, Loren, Vello, John, Roland, Merrill and Rod. The weather was partly sunny with a high of 55. It was quite cool at the start but we soon stripped off gloves, hats and jackets as it warmed up later in the morning.
We had a choice of a variety of hikes such as the Quarry Road Hike 5.6 miles rated as easy to moderate, the Quarry Western States rated as moderate and the Confluence to the Park Rangers HQ which was rated as easy to moderate. It was decided at the parking area by No Hands Bridge, but this blogger still has no idea which of the three hikes we did, I just goes along with the group. What we all know is that it was a jolly good hike and we finished up as  usual with apple pies and ice cream at McDonald's.

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