Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 13, 2012 - Olmstead Loop Trail

The Olmstead Loop Trail was our destination this week as it's only a short drive from our meeting spot in Granite Bay. There were nine of us today, Sherm, Beuford, Wes, Roland, Loren, Velo, Glenn with his friend, Don and Merrill. This trail started at the fire station in the town of Cool and after a couple of hours hiking on easy to moderate trails, we stopped for lunch. During lunch, Roland finally completed some basic merit badge requirements for map reading and although we had many shorter loop options, Roland agreed with Sherm that the big loop would only be about eight miles round trip so that's what we decided on. Either Roland can't read maps or Sherm is a fibber as it turned out a little short of ten miles round trip.
Along the trail we found some old truck parts, acorns stuffed into a tree limb and Sherm had to try his hand at bridge building over an enlarged creek. It was a great day out with many sore limbs the next day.

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