Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan 27, 2011 - American Canyon Trail

This week, the Geezers outing was the American Canyon Trail from Route 193 down to the Middle Fork of the American River and then along the river on the Quarry Trail to the trailhead on Route 49. This hike was advertised by "leadership" (names saved to protect the innocent) as moderately easy. Can you believe it, for once, their assessment was CORRECT! It was mostly downhill and about 9 miles long. In the first 1.5 miles we'll lost about 1000' feet in elevation. The last 7.5 miles we lost about 100' in elevation. We ferried cars so we didn't have to return the 8 uphill miles back to the start. The weather was in the mid 60's and we all had a great and glorious day.


  1. These are some great pictures of Geezers having a good time. Rod

  2. It was a great hike. I'm glad Roland got to feeling better. We didn't let him walk at the back. Being weakened by the pill would have made him a candidate for Cougar breakfast!

    With poetry like that Dick needs to cut back on work by one day a week and join us!!
