Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan 27, 2011 - A Medication Moment


Roland woke up on Thursday with a foot pain he didn’t like,
‘Cuz he was scheduled that day for a 10-mile “Geezers” hike.
Roland was afraid his foot pain might make him lag behind.
Then he thought, “Pain meds! That’s what I need to find.”

Roland rummaged through Val’s pain pills,
And said to himself, “These should do.”
The pills he found were Percoset.
And Roland promptly took two!

The hike that day was high up in the hills,
Where the air was not at all foggy.
But when Roland reached the trailhead
He was definitely feeling kinda groggy.
On the hike along the river, the scenery was really a doozy,
But poor Roland by then was pretty wobbly and woozy.

When Rod and John and Beuford saw he was acting kinda funny,
They had Roland sit down on a rock, in a spot nice and sunny.
They finally found out what it was that Roland had done—
That he’d taken two Percoset pills, instead of just a portion of one!
So the moral of this story, folks, is when you’re feeling sore or fighting ills,
Don’t make the mistake of taking someone else’s prescription pills!

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