Friday, September 23, 2011

Sept 22, 2011 - Loch Leven Lakes

This week, nine Geezer Boyz hiked to the Loch Leven Lakes area (south of I-80 at Big Bend). After leaving the paved roads behind, we got pretty shook up as we drove some six miles on unpaved, bone crushing, jaw rattling logging roads from Lake Valley to the trail head. At least it saved us a 1200 ft climb and we could spend more time at the swim hole. Once on the trail, we passed by Huysink and Salmon Lakes on route to our destination with lunch and swimming to look forward to. Lunch was great, but the brave souls who took a dip found the water much colder than anticipated and they were out before they were in, if you get my meaning! It was another enjoyable day for all of us. Thanks to Rod and Loren Gray for this weeks photos.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sept 15, 2011 - Rubicon Trail

The Rubicon Trail, located on the west shore of Lake Tahoe between DL Bliss State Park and Emerald Bay was this weeks hike. We've hiked this trail a couple of times and always enjoy it. Last year we started off on the wrong trail which added a extra couple of miles and more climbing. This year, we found the lower parking area closed, so we had to walk an additional mile down the paved road to reach the trail head. Being wise Geezers, we looked for a shortcut and eventually, cut our own trail through the brush to reach the trail. We made the trail without incident. On the way back, Dominic volunteered to run up the road and bring a car back for the rest of the flagging bunch. Our lakeside lunch was fun as we shared stories and learned a few choice "English" words and meanings from Roland. What a laugh! The vistas of the lake and shore line were amazing at this time of the year and truly a reflection of God's wonderful creation. The round trip was about seven miles and we rated it easy/moderate.
I should mention that in the parking lot, we met a couple from Hanover, Germany. They shipped their camper over from Germany to the East Coast for a one year tour of Canada and USA. Now that's a vacation!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept 8, 2011 - Round Lake Trail

The hike to the Bowman Lakes area (Round Lake Trail ) is 20 miles west of Truckee and about 11 miles south of I-80. After leaving the main highway, the final three mile dirt logging road was a bone jarring experience, particularly for those seated in the back seats. I think all eight Geezers arrived at the trail head pretty shook up and exhausted from the experience. I just closed my eyes and pretended I was on a Disney Indiana Jones extended free ride.
This was a brand new hike for everyone and as John and Loren were not with us today, Sherm led the group because he has a good GPS and always knows where he's going!
The hike itself was easy/moderate with 3 miles of ups and downs and several different lakes to sit beside during the hike. The elevation is in the 6500 - 7000 ft range. Pictures show Milk Lake, Round Lake, Island Lake and Feeley Lake.
After lunch we had the option to hike an additional 1-2 miles loop and see many more lakes but we decided to head back and enjoy our usual stop for ice cream.