Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 20, 2012 - Lake Clementine Kayaking

This week, twelve Geezers, Larry, Glenn, Roland, Wayne, Rich, Rod, Loren, Jerry, V2 (Vern Tapp), Sherm, Merrill and John found themselves kayaking on Lake Clementine in the Auburn Ravine area. This was a new kayak site for the Geezer group. The lake was long and narrow and the 8.5 miles round trip proved more than a good workout. For most in the group, 8.5 miles was a record. After launching on calm, water ski type water, we paddled two miles to the first sandy beach area for a rest and water stop. This was an ideal lunch spot but it was a little early, so John recommended we go another half mile to the next sandy area. One hour and two miles later, we arrived at John’s suggested stopping place! Some swam in crystal clear water, then we all enjoyed a well deserved lunch. The four miles back was exhausting but once again, we had a wonderful day and through our aches and pains, we were reminded how blessed we are to have health to enjoy these special days.

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