Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sept 6, 2012 - Pacific Crest Trail (1)

Eleven adventurous Geezers, John, Larry, Roland, Rod, Wes, Glenn, Vern Tapp, Bill, Beuford and Merrill, hiked in the area of Donner Pass between I-80 and the Old Route 40. This was a beautiful loop hike using the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) one way and going cross-country the other. We found a well worn easy trail on the cross-country portion which connected the three lakes, Azalea, Flora and Angela. The lakes, which were built many years ago by the railroad to supply water for the steam locomotives at the top of the pass. The writer believes this new hike was the most scenic of the year and a "keeper" for future years.  The photos will do the talking!

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