Friday, August 6, 2010

July 29, 2010 - Bike Ride- Tahoe City

The Geezers rode their bikes from Squaw Valley to Tahoe City and then south through Homewood to Sugar Pine State Park . Round trip was a meager 34 miles. We rode along the California side of Lake Tahoe until we found a beautiful beach at Sugar Pine then ate a hearty packed lunch, but no one was brave enough to take a swim. This was a first for our group in Tahoe and decided it was a keeper! We will repeat this ride, God willing, the last Thursday of July, 2011. The ride was without incident until close to returning to our cars, when Glenn Marshall clipped Rod Robinson's back wheel and went over his handle bars. Then John Hebner made a spectacle of himself by crossing a main junction with 4 way traffic stopped and looking on decided to crash without any cause. How embarrassing! Three people got out of their cars and gave him a 10 for style!

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