Friday, August 13, 2010

Geezer Bike Rides

The Geezer's Third Annual San Francisco Bike Ride was held May 6, 2010. The forecast was for sunny and 65 degrees and no fog! We started out from the church parking lot at 6:30am in time to catch the Larkspur ferry to San Francisco, then return by bike over the Golden Gate Bridge to Larkspur, about 28 miles. The 9:15am ferry allowed us sufficient time to make it back to the cars in Larkspur in time to beat the afternoon rush hour out of town. The photos below are not in any particular order and cover the 2009 and 2010 rides. Our next ride to around San Francisco will be the first Thursday of 2011. Photos are from 2009 and 2010. In 2009, Gavin Schofield Smith (a British friend of Roland’s, now living in Glendora) flew up from LAX just to make this ride. It’s a highlight of our year.

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